
Member Since: 10/20/2002
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 0

PaulM's Mixes

PaulM's Favorite Mixes

PaulM's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a mix I made to try and cheer my friend up, because she's sad that her boyfriend went away to college.
CD | Mixed Genre
I finally made a mix for me, not one intended for someone else. Its just something to comfort me in this weird place I'm at.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just my mix to celebrate the arival of spring.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I was bored, so I did my own "The Song That"
CD | Theme - Romantic
My apololgy mix for being a jerk. A follow-up of sorts from (hence starting with a cover of the closing song on the other one). This mix goes from being sorry and apologizing, to telling the girl I sti …
CD | Mixed Genre
My first driving mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
After skipping last year, I felt like making a new one of these. Stuff qualifies if the song became "exposed" in 2002 (so no bitching about the Jimmy Eat World, the Hives, and the White Stripes songs!)
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
Title is from the Coldplay song. This mix is a narritive until the end about my quasi-relationship with this girl. The Beatles and Pete Townsend songs need to be taken literally to go along with what r …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is basically just a crush mix that I gave to her. She likes Weezer, so I filled in the blanks from there (IMHO, the transition from "Falling" into "Only in Dreams" is great). The title comes from  …