thaddaeus john

Member Since: 10/28/2002
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 26

thaddaeus john's Mixes

thaddaeus john's Favorite Mixes

thaddaeus john's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This was only made so that I could have a bunch of classic rock for when I feel like rocking out. I really didn't plan it out other than having some what of a flow, so it's not great. But it is fun
CD | Mixed Genre
this is the last one i made to date. i started this collection for my ex-girlfriends graduation party(the first two) but the rest are just some of my favourites(that's why they get better with the thir …
CD | Mixed Genre
as you can see, i have a few doors' songs on this one. what can i say, the doors rock. also, you might have noticed, there is weezer on every one so far(don't worry, there's weezer on the last one as w …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is very much my favourite. it has the most and the best. i'll keep making cd's, but i don't know if they'll get any better
CD | Mixed Genre
by far my least favourite of the five. it has good songs, but i hardly ever listen to them all.
CD | Mixed Genre
this was the first and by far not the best, but it's ok