
Member Since: 11/4/2002
Total Mixes: 86
Total Feedback: 609

quadb's Mixes

quadb's Favorite Mixes

quadb's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is part two of the mixes that don't make any sense and are bookended by tunes from my new 3 CD set that i bought for something like $8.99 at Zellers called "The Great Classics"
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is another mix that is kinda all over the place. I just felt like listening to these when i made this. Also, I just purchased a 3 CD set called "The Great Classics" for something like $8.99. So i  …
Cassette | Single Artist
By no means an extensive list of his tunes but this is limited to the ones i have and felt like listening to and could fit since every song is a million years long. Is there anybody alive that still li …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The title says it all. Just a buncha tunes i felt like listening to when i made this mix. The Jack Black song is the one he sang during his opening monologue on SNL.
Cassette | Single Artist
I found this mix that I made a long time ago. Obviously it was shortly after John Henry was released. Also, I think I erased a book on cassette or something because this tape is waaaaay over 90 minutes …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Category "Mixed Genre" may be a bit misleading since this mix is mainly jazzy, croony and swingy but I think the jazz afficianados out there would shoot me for including Goldie Hawn's Beatles cover. An …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the first time i ever sat down and planned out a mix that would showcase several different genre's but still flow from one song to the next. My biggest mistake was picking an opening song and a …
Cassette | Single Artist
Volume two of the set. Lots of "The Lost Episodes" and I threw in some 70's stuff that i like.
Cassette | Single Artist
Although I don't listen to them much these days, I used to be a HUGE fan of early Zappa material. (Lots of his 70's stuff was stupid I thought)So this was volume one, interspersed with some stuff from  …
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