
Member Since: 11/4/2002
Total Mixes: 86
Total Feedback: 609

quadb's Mixes

quadb's Favorite Mixes

quadb's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
I don't know what I did, but this mix sounds fabulous! It has a really nice flow. It's so rare that I get it right that I get some sort of sick thrill when I do. If you get the chance, check out The Ma …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Couldn't think of a title so I figured that cliche was appropriate since this mix starts and ends with a couple of the most depressing things ever. Side 1 was all recorded from vinyl and side 2 is from …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
OMFUG - gormandizer = voracious eater of (in this case) music - mojo magazine - explanation of genesis - this is an early attempt at rocking out circa 1967 - pre-Phil Collins of course - uncut magazing …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Obviously not a mix for everyone and tailor made to my tastes. (For the moment while I was making this mix anyways.) Contains a touch of prog (no! Not prog!) and nouveau prog at that (no! Not Nouveau p …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
90 min. The punk is connected to the sixties vibe and the sixties vibe's connected to the singer/songwriter tunes and the singer/songwriter tune's connected to the indie tunes, etc ,etc and that's what …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I hadn't posted a mix for quite a while so here's my latest. Some long time favorites, some newer tastes, etc etc etc. No theme, no story but feel free to make one up if you wish!
Cassette | Single Artist
I have made Genesis compilations before but they're quite similar to the other ones already on this site. I found this one that I made several years ago that has some of my favourite instrumental momen …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a collection of tunes that I owned but never paid much attention to until now. I am thoroughly enjoying this mix. The title is based on a line from the White Stripes tune.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Nothing like the nostalgia of a vinyl mix! The snapping, crackling and popping of a good record always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. This mix contains possibly the scratchiest copy of Windy ever …
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