
Member Since: 11/7/2002
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 2

Shake Down You Make Me Break

StrangeLilGirl's Mixes

StrangeLilGirl's Favorite Mixes

StrangeLilGirl's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The end.
CD | Mixed Genre
The title is pretty lame and totally coincidental that it rhymes. My room is unbearably hot during these summer nights and the streetlight right outside my window is burnt out so I'm not as lame as ini …
CD | Mixed Genre
This certainly does not show off my taste in music but you know what, I don't care. Roy retired (lol), it's sunny, I'm happy, school's almost done and summer's approaching fast. This is just a little m …
CD | Mixed Genre
My God it is strange what the brain comes up with at two o'clock in the morning. Anyways, I wish someone else had made this mix with me in mind but a good mix is a good mix dammit. It started out as a  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Love this game, love this team. And that I do. Dammit, I love this team. The Hockey Night In Canada and Bure Game Clip gives me the chills. Sad isn't it? If you're a fan, you understand.
CD | Mixed Genre
But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), "On Reading and Writing" Not so sure about this one.
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Narrative
CD | Theme - Depression
The comments could go on forever but I think it pretty much explains itself.