
Member Since: 11/9/2002
Total Mixes: 66
Total Feedback: 61

liquidmoon1's Mixes

liquidmoon1's Favorite Mixes

liquidmoon1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Some of my favorite stuff, as a get-acquainted mix for jab, in celebration of his digital deflowering. Yay! I was gonna stick to single tracks from each artist, but when I found out that Jacob hadn't h …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is for Emilio (silentperfection) for our first trade (yay!). Hey Emilio...if you hate it, just say "blech!" and you can choose one of my others. The title is kinda sorta from the Aimee Mann tr …
CD | Theme
This mix was inspired by the Frou Frou track. It got me thinking about how many songs are actually kind of obsessive and scary. But don't be scared. It's only a mix. I haven't stalked anyone in just ag …
CD | Mixed Genre
A friend of mine was sighing about his upcoming 28th birthday. I want to cheer him up. And what could be more cheery than a CD mix that starts off with TMBG's "Older" (what a dirge of a ditty: "you're  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is for my First Love (note the capital letters and gasp at the significance...but that was years and years ago), who is now a good friend. He has been going through a really rough breakup, and …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my pretend boyfriend. Belatedly for our one-month pretend anniversary (awww). Had to make some changes since the mix I received from him today had a couple of the songs originally planned for …
CD | Mixed Genre
Sigh. Mix title from the Fiona track.
CD | Mixed Genre
Today I feel like I'm waiting to blow out the candles on my birthday cake, but holding my breath because I can't think of anything else to wish for when the day has been so perfect (it's not my birthda …
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
Some of these are outstanding, some of them are just fun, and some of them are...well, nothing to write home about. But I love the Cure and I love covers, so I've got the the Cure covering and being co …
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