
Member Since: 11/17/2002
Total Mixes: 141
Total Feedback: 3358

Salman1's Mixes

Salman1's Favorite Mixes

Salman1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
A for-the-hell-of-it type mix. I haven't made one of these in a while. Mostly stuff released within the past three years, but there are some choice classic cuts here. Title from the New Pornographers s …
CD | Theme
A little 60's mix for the road. A little bit of everything I like from that decade.
Cassette | Theme
The first few months of 2005 weren't really that interesting in terms of releases, but the last half of the year has brought about some stellar albums (Animal Collective, The Gris Gris, etc). Here's so …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just some long-drawn out spacey, arty, proggy, psychedelic stuff. Something to wake up to. The last of this series... for now. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.
CD | Mixed Genre
Mostly noisy, psychedelic and electronic stuff. Volume two in the series.
CD | Mixed Genre
A pastoral collection of experimental sounds mostly of the rock and electronic/IDM variety. Volume one of a series of more experimental/zannier/different stuff.
CD | Mixed Genre
Trading mixes with someone I know online. Mostly stuff I'm listening to lately. Title from probably the greatest Canadian folk duo ever, Fraser & DeBolt. If you can find their records pick 'em up.
CD | Mixed Genre
This is for a person I've become friends with in the last couple of weeks. We're trading mixes, and this hidge-podge mix is what I've come up with for her. We have eerily similar taste in music, so if  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I initially wanted to make this rockin' 60's mix, but I got sidetracked and when I came back to this I went a different direction. Still a lot of 60's classics on here though. Title from one of the gre …
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