
Member Since: 11/17/2002
Total Mixes: 141
Total Feedback: 3358

Salman1's Mixes

Salman1's Favorite Mixes

Salman1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
For a co-worker of mine. He mainly listens to a lot of stuff released in the 60s and 70s but was interested in some of the stuff I was listening to after I let him borrow a Fiery Furnaces CD. He gave m …
CD | Theme
A mix for a person I know who wanted to be introduced to some of the newer poppier sounds in a rock variety.
CD | Theme
Ever get dumbstruck when people ask you what type of music you listen to? A million different responses always go off in my head when I hear that question, but I still never know how to answer it. I fi …
CD | Theme
There's sort of a theme to this mix as a lot of the songs here I like to play loud and just lipsync to. The title is from the opening track, which I heard on the seasons premier of "Lost," which by the …
CD | Mixed Genre
A kickin' mix I made for a Message Board swap. A bit folkish to start, some garage rock in the middle segwaying (is that a word?) into some darker stuff, then blowing through some killer pop, and endin …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a quick mix made on the fly. The last track is by visionary electronic artist Luc Ferrari who recently died.
CD | Mixed Genre
I felt like making a mix to listen to while I'm on the bus... no more driving a car for a while for me with the current gas prices, which is for the better (I didn't really drive much anyway). The titl …
CD | Mixed Genre
Sometimes, at least in my case, you need to throw together a CD with no real thought. This is one of them. There's no real direction or theme to this mix. I just picked some songs and haphazardly put t …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm driving about 4 hours to Quebec City to do some outdoorsy type stuff over the weekend. This, along with my friends AC/DC CD is all I'll be hearing for the drive there and back.
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