bear paw slippers

Member Since: 11/22/2002
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 12

Brainwashed Recordings

bear paw slippers's Mixes

bear paw slippers's Favorite Mixes

bear paw slippers's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix about wanting, with an obvious slant on the good and bad sides of the mighty "L" word. I decided to go "multi-cultural", as this mix is destined for someone else.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a mix about going out (before, during and after). Yes, I'm aware of how pretentious it is to have French titles. Neener.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for Erika. Propaganda mix inspired by the events in Quebec City during the Summit of the Americas. A few tracks can be found on the excellent GASCD, which was put out to help pay the legal fees of …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
An introduction to the Montreal based label "Constellation Records". Basically prog/art rock music comparable to Mogwai and Labradford but with a more orchestral bent (especially GY!BE).
Cassette | Mixed Genre
60-minute tape with study music. I had just discovered Aphex Twin at the time and his songs on this mix are from the "druqks" album, try to spell them... "Music is Math" and "Corsair", by Boards of Can …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The 1st of my "Threeway Mixes". I take three artists who have similar sounds and compliment each other and I alternate them on the mix. It keeps me from getting bored and I can introduce more than one  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Basically a mix I listen to at work. Side A is named "IT Support", because it would seem that only the tech people have any good musical taste here, so this side honours them (they are all Guy Ritchie  …
CD | Theme
A very aggressive mix that taps enough angst and testosterone in me to truely enjoy plowing into things and blowing people away in GTA (1, 2, 3, Vice City). I need a shower and a shave after each sessi …