
Member Since: 12/15/2002
Total Mixes: 120
Total Feedback: 576

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stripey357's Mixes

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stripey357's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Each song on this tape is from a band a different friend introduced me to, or is a song I listened to because it was on another AotMer's mix. The tape flows really well, and I forced myself to only put …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
1995. Last tape before I put all my music in storage. A little haphazard mix, I was in a rush... but if you've seen "Harold & Maude" you'll get why the Cat Stevens song goes with the Ozzy track.
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
1995. Second to last tape I made before I moved to Minneapolis, and left all my CDs in storage. Title is because it was for listening on the plane! :)
Cassette | Pop
Made in 1991 or so. From the vault :) I apologize profusely for the pretentious title. And for the Spin Doctors. Hell, I apologize for the overplayed Metallica song too!!!
Cassette | Theme
Theme tape for a jewel thief casanova character I was writing about at the time.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Okay, so I made this during a period when I forgot how banal profanity is.
Cassette | Alternative - Punk
Ever have a whole genre of music practically ruined for years because of a break-up? That's what this was like. I still can barely listen to some of these bands.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The Subhumans are the defunct punk band from Vancouver, not the UK band.
Cassette | Theme
yay I got some more blank tapes just in time. The No Doubt cover of the Vandals classic just rocks my world. That song really needed some horns. I can't find the real name of the Trans-Siberian Orchest …
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