
Member Since: 3/24/2007
Total Mixes: 78
Total Feedback: 17

TheSynthesist's Mixes

TheSynthesist's Favorite Mixes

TheSynthesist's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
For my cousin Danielle, who'd like an introduction to the wonderful world of record nerds. I tried to represent a good selection of, uh, emotional moments here. Also, I like the way this mix includes b …
CD | Mixed Genre
An international mixtape project mix for February, 2008. Let's see if this one gets mailed on time. So I've been noticing that all of my mixtape "arcs" are the same. Things start out ecstatic and then  …
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
It's probably my mother's favorite song. I raided the ITunes store and my own collection and burned this for her to celebrate Valentine's Day.
CD | Dance - Techno
A whole bunch of what might be called "downer techno." Proof that robots cry, too Hope that my recipient isn't a technophobe.
CD | Mixed Genre
Oooh, this is late. Well, my recipient in Washington was supposed to get last months mix, but she gets this more accesible version instead. Anyway, it actually works more like an old cassete mix, if yo …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another International Mixtape project issue that got way, way, weirder than it was supposed to. Hopefully it'll get played more than once.
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
This mix was a bit challenging 'cause I figured that the recipient, a co-worker of my mom's, wouldn't take kindly to too many punk or techno covers. Lots of sixties stuff here, though.
CD | Mixed Genre
My third effort for the International Mixtape Project. Was meant to be a fairly simple collection of likeable indie tunes, but things went awry from the very beginning. We've got groovy, long-form tech …
CD | Mixed Genre
Tried to make this one country and acoustic as possible. Worked pretty well, I think, but got a bit esoteric in the latter half anyway. Hope it came out all right.
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