
Member Since: 3/24/2007
Total Mixes: 78
Total Feedback: 17

TheSynthesist's Mixes

TheSynthesist's Favorite Mixes

TheSynthesist's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
My second assignment for the International Mixtape Project, almost as noisy and sludgy as my first one. This is, I guess, another shoegazer mix, and since it feels like I've made dozens of these, I tri …
CD | Mixed Genre
I've known my friend Corin since I was a teenager, but since we've usually lived hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away from each other, music's one of the things that we talk about but don't share  …
CD | Mixed Genre
My first effort for the International Mixtape Project. I was a little adventurous with this one, 'cause I figure that people who sign up for this worthy project like to stretch their ears a little. I h …
CD | Mixed Genre
My friend Aviva's big on Massive Attack and asked me to make her a mix in that vein. I don't know if this quite works, since the last few songs are straight techno, but dang, it took all day. Of course …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix of speedy pop songs made before a trip into Boston to see the Clientele and Peter, Bjorn and John. I hope it works.
CD | Theme
Made for my friend Corinn, this mix about the complications of gender and sexuality seems not to contain any Lou Reed or Bowie. This mix is abour grey areas more than straight/gay issues; there's no Tr …
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a girl I met at school who let me copy a Royal Trux and a Neil Michael Haggerty CD. I later pissed her off for no particular reason, but she was way too cool, and way too good looking, for me  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for my friend Rose, who was nice enough to burn me a copy of her Ink Spots CD. I tried to get their harmonic, crackly, vibe. I was happy with the mix; I hope it worked.
CD | Mixed Genre
A bunch of mishapen folk stuff put together for my friend Angie. The definion of "Folk" implied here is pretty wide, I guess, and this is sort of a difficult listen, but I hope it works anyway.
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