
Member Since: 12/30/2002
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 6

nzforestguy's Mixes

nzforestguy's Favorite Mixes

nzforestguy's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This is for Kate (Katrine) Edith Devine. She loved the first mix so much she told me she almost wore out the CD. She will never get to hear this mix, and that's a shame. Some of these songs she would o …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a cd mix of all New Zealand music, im sending this to a few people in the states, just so they get to listen to something different. And yes if you were wondering, the band Shihad is now called …
CD | Single Artist
Check out the first cd list to find out a bit more.
CD | Single Artist
Cd 2 of the three i've made, a little bit more info on the first cd list page.
CD | Single Artist
One of three mixes i made for my friend Kate, she is a fan of this band, although its realyl hard to hold of it here in New Zealand, and over in Australia, so i got what i could and made these cd's.
CD | Mixed Genre
One of the many cd's i have to send to Kate, expect more.
CD | Mixed Genre
This would be something i would listen to in my car, well if it was going and i had a cd player in it.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just some of the music i like, a few songs from NZ bands in their, so maybe stuff you have never heard before.