
Member Since: 1/20/2000
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 0

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Walsh's Mixes

Walsh's Favorite Mixes

Walsh's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
mix for thrasher pre iowa city trip - lots of vernon florida drops...
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
initial rush - blurry dreaminess - starts getting seedy - and scary - self-loathing sets in - breaks free?
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for mike. this is my "i should know better" tape. made in an overnight headrush and felt good connections popping throughout. no shame. burn up on reentry? splat on the concrete?turn over, repeat.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made a couple weeks back for my friend Brian.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made in April of 98 for my sister Emily
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for a good friend spending the year in Turkey, this tape tried to be a sampling of some of Mike & I's top albums of nine-seven. However, a few older tunes cropped up as we bounced back and for …