emily as always

Member Since: 1/10/2003
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 4

emily as always's Mixes

emily as always's Favorite Mixes

emily as always's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix is for the boy whom i am madly in love with for valentines day in addition to a really rad book on graffiti and street art
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
i sure do love everything. that just happens to be what is playing on my laptop right now.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
long time no see AOTM. this mix is for a wonderful boy. ive never been happier in my life. he makes me feel alive and i want to thank him every day.
CD | Mixed Genre
while this mix contain some of the same tracks from the one above its for a completely different boy. who is as bipolar as the track listing connotates. he asked me for a mix and i of course complied
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a haphazardly selected mix for a boy that requested a mix thinking he would know it all. he didnt.
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix is for my favorite mix sending friend, zach. these songs were hand harvested from my CD collection and adequatly describe my current playlists and what i believe zach will enjoy.
CD | Mixed Genre
surprise mix for zach. damn catchy too. side note: i hate when you look at a set of words for so long you forget the meaning or the proper spelling. with that said, please excuse horrendous typos if th …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
zach's mix parte deux. all of these songs rotated in my head while i was FEASTING on croissants and coffee in paris, nice, and rome. man i love over seas things.
CD | Mixed Genre
this is for a awesome boy(zach-perlmunkee). he even made me a super cool mix too. i hope he likes it if not i bet it would make a nice coaster/conversation piece.
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