noah murney

Member Since: 2/3/2003
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 17

noah murney's Mixes

noah murney's Favorite Mixes

noah murney's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
what do you expect? i'm rat-arsed on a litre bottle of whisky given to me by a dead man. if you see laura, tell her i love her.
CD | Mixed Genre
this was inspired by homer simpson, when he re-grew his hair with some stuff. he was running down the street with his new hair flowing behind him when some old git said 'get your hair cut, ya damn hipp …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is mix i made a few years ago, but since i'm only working part time i've lots of time on my hands at the moment...i can't remember why i called it laughing despite it all...probably got stiffed by …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is my going away mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
i like this mix. it's got some old favourites and some stuff i'd forgotten about.
CD | Mixed Genre
ta ta to christine, my horrible, manipulative and control freak ex. "tomorrow belongs to me..."
CD | Mixed Genre
mister blue, he did it right, but soon comes mister night. seventies prog rock groups are generally piss, but elo gets me going
CD | Mixed Genre
i'ven amended this version because my cd recorder was playing silly buggers. apologies to mitzi, because there's some less that perfect recordings.
CD | Mixed Genre
god, i'm drunk. god help me, because no one else will. ha ha. seriously, i'm fine. just a little pissed off because christine will be home soon to make my life hell and i think i'll go to the pub.
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