
Member Since: 2/10/2003
Total Mixes: 19
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ross's Mixes

ross's Favorite Mixes

ross's Mixes

CD | Theme
Finished around 7 PM on 21 Dec 2008. This is the furthest before Christmas I've completed one of these things! Hopefully, next year's mix will be completed during a time when people are not yet sick of …
CD | Mixed Genre
17.10.08. 51:44. Wazzaaaap. Also, the Scott Walker title doesn't have dashes in it, but AOTM keeps telling me that the hyphenated portion of that word is disallowed because it's harmful content? That's …
CD | Theme
An introduction to the best music from the best country. Seriously. The concept of all of these artists playing at the same time and collaborating is mind-blowing. 48:04. Originally completed during th …
Cassette | Theme
A 90's-themed mix for my college group of friends. We all selected a group of songs that we'd love to never forget, and I whittled that list down to 90 minutes of music and tracked the tape. The last b …
CD | Theme
43:16. Completed slightly earlier than last year's mix, but not by much. 24/12/07.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
completed 30 apr 2007. 60 minutes. 2 1/2 months.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Emily's iPod broke, so I tracked down a walkman via Nome's craigslist equivalent and made her a mixtape. completed on 25 Mar 07. 60 min.
CD | Theme
This was a last minute mix sent out to friends to ring in the holiday season. Finished before the break of dawn on 24.12.06. 49:04 min.
CD | Mixed Genre
Completed 06 Nov 06. This is a mix compiled for a new friend/penpal. As an introduction to me, I thought I'd go through and list a number of the major musical influences on my life and songs that reson …
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