
Member Since: 11/25/2007
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 88

Nifty Alternative MP3 search to The Hype Machine

theholytoast's Mixes

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theholytoast's Mixes

CD | Theme - Road Trip
There is a desolate, depressing hour long stretch of highway between my sister and I's houses through Kenedy County in Texas that there is no cell phone or wireless service of any kind available. Even  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I am Lisa. March 11th is my 28th birthday. I unwittingly and unhappily find myself passionless. I've gotten to a point in my life where even garnering blind hatred from someone would be better than the …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Well, this has become a chore, so this is the last installment of my beloved playlist. After all that line BS I won't get my passport until JUNE. At the earliest! It's enough to make me wish that I liv …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is the fifth installment of the indie mix I started a week or so ago. I didn't intend to take a such a break from posting, but someone (not on this site) chastised me using the term Indier-than-th …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is the fourth installment of the indie mix I started a few days ago. First installment here and background info here. Installment Two Here. Installment Three Here. *Title was taken from the Jesca  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is the third installment of the indie mix I started a few days ago. First installment here and background info here. Installment Two Here. *Title taken from The Jets To Brazil track that I dearly  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is a continuation of my indie mix from a few days ago. Background info and download the first installment here. *Title taken from the Tom Baxter that I love dearly.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I need a passport. I wait in line. I need a new Social Security card to get passport. (mine is "illegible") I wait in line. I need a copy of my birth certificate to get new SS card. I wait in line. Go  …
CD | Theme
A short punkish tribute to songs with the word 'heroin' in the title. Heroin -- her+o+in -- hěr'ō-ĭn Arabic: نوع من . . . . . Turkish: eroin . . . . . Slov …