
Member Since: 3/1/2003
Total Mixes: 65
Total Feedback: 47

Twiggy1's Mixes

Twiggy1's Favorite Mixes

Twiggy1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Found this old mix, and attached writing, in my tape-box. "My eyemakeup is toxic today and instead of making me beautiful it's like smoke and I can't really explain but through watery makeup eyes I'm t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another mix for my dearest darling Red. This was meant to be an exceptionally embarassing mix.. I mean, it starts with a Pet Shop Boys song. There's alot of fun stuff on this... But then I put Elvenkin …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix for my favorite person in the world, Red. Here's the reeeaaally sappy pretentious bit. The songs are interspersed with recordings of WH Auden poetry, and loosely based on the verse. I think I nee …
CD | Mixed Genre
I just made myself a mix for when I walk around late at night and sometimes when I can't asleep. And maybe I wish someone would be nice to me for just five minutes because I want to hear a voice, but I …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Goodbyes summer. Goodbyes house. Goodbyes Mother. Goodbyes best friend. Goodbyes warm weather, happily recieving cold. For some reason I wish I never named a star after you even though there are so ver …
CD | Mixed Genre
For the lovely Jesse on his birthday. Yep, it's a big bunch of depressing, but I think Jesse would like it. And pretty much from track 12 onwards, they're all what I consider "epics." I think this is a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
If you read the previous mixes' comments, this is pretty much just the same, only the other mix I found. It's probably around 2 to 3 years old. Therefore I'm not accountable for the fact some of it kin …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Basically, we're moving soon, and I was finally coerced into sorting out my junk. It's unbelievable the SHIT I keep, I should learn to start throwing things away. Anyways, I found these two old tapes t …
CD | Mixed Genre
It seemed that Abby's life was crazy and weird and sometimes unhappy, and because I love Abby more than I love my luggage, I thought it was in order to make her a mix. You know, she introduced me to AO …
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