
Member Since: 3/1/2003
Total Mixes: 65
Total Feedback: 47

Twiggy1's Mixes

Twiggy1's Favorite Mixes

Twiggy1's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
FOR MY DARLING POGO. It's glammy for the van.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I was looking for a Tindersticks song I knew was on one of my old tapes, and I found it on this one. I made this tape a long time ago for myself and I think I may give it away because I don't think I h …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix has a rad cover and I certainly hope Jeff likes it.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
submitted to my friend jesse under the title "there is a crack in everything..." however, this is inverse morning music. that is, i go to sleep at around 3:00 (after I get home from work) and wakeup at …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For the illustrious Stephen Bank, on his birthday. In between songs there's adverts, poetry readings, and other weird sound clips. Hope he likes it.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tarsha-filmmaking partner, girl I stalk, end of year grad tape, something I hoped was eclectic, eclectic like her. Inbetween songs are all these crazy sound clips from various sources.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
some of my favorites/some cheer-up songs/some to do with what we talked out/the asian dub foundation tune really sticks out like a sore thumb
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
Heheh. Alternating DJ's. I am a wit. Anyways, one of my favorite things to do is make Cure vs. Smiths mixes, I discovered. This one... breaking out the less popular things. The Smiths with Panic... +10 …
Cassette | Theme
This was supposed to be a birthday mix, but ended up being a mix about miserable women, for miserable women, and by miserable women. But it flows nicely. Mouhaha.
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