
Member Since: 7/31/2008
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

sadpandasmile's Mixes

sadpandasmile's Favorite Mixes

sadpandasmile's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme
3 of 4 discs I'm giving to someone. This one is a friedship aspect. It tells them that we are buddys please don't make a comment about not spelling "fri**d" right. for some reason the sight won't let m …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
2 of 4 cds. This is about how I love this person. Rather, how deeply I care for them and hope they can see it.
MP3 Playlist | Theme
1 of 4 cd set. Trying to express my feelings for one person. Rather, how many feelings I have for them.