Drew D.1

Member Since: 5/4/2003
Total Mixes: 30
Total Feedback: 5

Drew D.1's Mixes

Drew D.1's Favorite Mixes

Drew D.1's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Designed not to be comprehensive, but as an introduction to whet the appetite of a Beatle-ignorant-Smashing Pumpkins-loving friend. Includes personal biases and songs meant to appeal to a particular ta …
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a friend I met last summer at the University of Chicago, meant as an introduction to my taste in music. Just a playful smattering of fun (sometimes gimmicky) songs and ditties I happened to be …
CD | Singer/Songwriter
This originated as a more upbeat mix, but once I included Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll and Have You Forgotten, they became the centerpiece of much more mellow ballads with long, introspective hallw …
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