
Member Since: 5/4/2003
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 5

456strawberry456's Mixes

456strawberry456's Favorite Mixes

456strawberry456's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Everybody needs an upbeat mix to run to so this is mine. Some mainstream, some not. New Spoon. So on and so forth...
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a friend - apologize for all the repeated artists but he only told me a few that he wanted on there
CD | Mixed Genre
love these songs. 'my hero' has one of my favorite drum solos ever at the beginning there. named the mix after kaleidoscope because i love it and its my favorite dc4c song. pat benatar-my throwback to  …
CD | Mixed Genre
a friend asked me to make her a cd mix of songs i like so this was what happened... i usually try not to repeat an artist but i love jupiter sunrise and cherry wine & super x-ray vision are 2 of my fav …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is my road trip- it goes from wanting to get away, to finally leaving and being on the road, to getting where i wanted to go.
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix w/ my friend after our soccer game one afternoon (like the cd title?) so this is for her
CD | Mixed Genre
My mix for driving around alone in the dark on a Saturday night.
CD | Mixed Genre
the best rock songs ever! (somehow not all my songs were on here the first time i did this mix on here, but now they are - so this is the full list)