
Member Since: 5/13/2003
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 7

Kelley123's Mixes

Kelley123's Favorite Mixes

Kelley123's Mixes

CD | Theme
I would seriously give this mix to a five year old kid. Maybe I will!
CD | Theme
Another lost profession: the sailor. Story is, he half-heartedly leaves dry land for the sea. After some time, he enjoys himself at sea very much. Eventually, he becomes depressed and wants contact wit …
CD | Theme
forgotten profession number one: the cowboy. next up...the sailor (should be easier than this one) i really like this mix....i tried to theme it around a cowboy, being a big shot in the west, getting h …
CD | Theme
This year Prom will probably be the usual bland boring R+B and gay acoustic guitar gay slow dances. Blehhh. If only they played my slow songs. Then I would be happy. And more likely to give head.
CD | Theme
Ever had sex for the wrong reason? Well, so have all these bands.
CD | Mixed Genre
Don't really know what I was trying to accomplish with this one. I like it a lot though, it kinda started off nice then just went all dark and depressed from there.
CD | Mixed Genre
Sometimes no matter what you do or say, that other person will have unlimited compassion. This is that feeling.
CD | Mixed Genre
title from the b2s song. if any of you read my last mix, called "in love with my best friend" this is for that boy. he ironically asked me to make him a mix the very next day. this is the result...i we …
CD | Theme
It is so sad. We both are in love with each other but it will never be anything more than best friends. I'm such a pussy.
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