
Member Since: 5/14/2003
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 3

i want more to be said to me than just orange.

alexandria's Mixes

alexandria's Favorite Mixes

alexandria's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
swaps always welcome-- just lemme know.
CD | Theme - Break Up
this was originally intended to be equal parts yes-i-know-it-sucks and get-yer-ass-off-the-couch-anyway... looking at this, though, i think i erred a bit towards the former. shall edit before giving, l …
CD | Mixed Genre
this was initially meant to be a spring-themed mix. apparently i associate spring with sex. go figure.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
last mix for the boy before he leaves. and now i need sleep.
CD | Mixed Genre
yet another mix for the boy to take to japan thursday. the title's from the hem song. one more, then i'm done-- i have a property final in thirteen hours.
CD | Mixed Genre
another mix for the boy. i do hope it'll fit on one cd. the last part's sort of just tacked on, but it's at least contextually correct. (i'm going to the south for the summer; he's going to japan. and  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
yet another mix for the b-school boy to take with him to japan.
CD | Theme - Sleep
CD | Mixed Genre
this was actually something of accident-- i had meant to make something, well, upbeat. you see what happened. still relatively pleased with it. total, total indulgence at the end. haven't yet given it  …
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