Sam Rosehip

Member Since: 10/4/2009
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 3

Sam Rosehip's Mixes

Sam Rosehip's Favorite Mixes

Sam Rosehip's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
A little GBV compilation. I wanted the first side to be the songs I like most from their early phase (mostly songs from alien lanes and bee thousand), and the second side to be about their later stuff  …
Cassette | Theme
The theme for this one was obviously christmas. I made a tape to mock christmas and poor santa claus. I'm not getting any gifts this year. All the artwork:
Cassette | Theme
This mix i made for a mix tape group. The theme for the month was "animals", so I decided to make up a story about the animals taking over the world. Way too ambitious but I have a lot of free time on  …
Cassette | Theme
This is a mix made for the theme "Space". We have started a mix-tape club where we have one theme that everyone needs to follow, and afterwards it's interesting to see how the others interpreted the th …