Pimp Daddy AdRock

Member Since: 6/1/2003
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 5

Pimp Daddy AdRock's Mixes

Pimp Daddy AdRock's Favorite Mixes

Pimp Daddy AdRock's Mixes

CD | Theme
Well, my buddy turned 19, so, you know, it's a mix for him...he likes girls and 311...leave me alone
CD | Mixed Genre
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
This is one of several "mystery" mini disc mixes my brother gave me several years ago. They're "mystery" mixes cause I never listened to them. But now...now I will!
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
This one has no true purpose as a good 'CD'. It's just a list of songs that i think were from, or are from my 8th Grade. It's done train of thought, and yes, there are a shitload of songs...I'll make a …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix are, essentially, the them songs for characters I have. Since the songs are ordered by character, the flow is...weird. Either way, this mix gets me energetic and happy. What's better than that …