
Member Since: 5/4/2000
Total Mixes: 10
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jamie12345678906's Mixes

jamie12345678906's Favorite Mixes

jamie12345678906's Mixes

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this was made for Stephen Royce. the title is from a line in the first song.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made for Jessica. The title comes from the Discount song.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this tape for my friend Marla. The title comes from the Bikini Kill song "Finale" and I used it since all the songs on here are sung by females. and Jessica Disobedience...if you are reading thi …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this tape for my friend Avril. She told me to put a bunch of cover songs and a lot of Moxie. Moxie is a local Florida ska-punk band. Side A is all covers, and there's a few on Side B also.
Cassette | Theme - Break Up
hmm...well this was made in april, 5 months after the break-up. side A starts off with some of "our songs" and kinda happy-in-love type songs, then side B is more of the sad "i miss you" songs and the  …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this tape is pretty old...a friend of my aunt's made it for her like 15 years ago or something and then somehow i got a copy of it.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
the last tape he made me...i got the title from a line at the end of the lagwagon song "gun in your hand"
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
the 5th tape my ex-boyfriend made for me
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