
Member Since: 6/4/2003
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 239

X-Angel's Mixes

X-Angel's Favorite Mixes

X-Angel's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This is a complete random mix I made for my portable MP3 player when I went snowboarding. I felt the songs flowed well together, and are some of my favorite cuts. Usually, I listen to thrash when I boa …
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
Yeah, ok, so there's hundreds of cover mixes on AOTM, but I have lots of em', so what the hell- I'm postin' one, too. These covers I picked here are pretty good ones, though. Forgive me for the All Sai …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Part 1 of a series of mixes I'm doing for a friend who is always getting really drunk and has this habit of asking me: " Remember that one song? What was the name of that? Hey, they were really good, w …
CD | Dance - House
This gets back into my various club gigs I've done. This is part of a live set I did back in November. For the CD burn, I edited the timing a bit. I'll post the rest of this set sooner or later. I use  …
CD | Dance - Hardcore
It's winter, so what better a time to play grungy guitar driven music with great double bass drumming and vocals that, well, sometimes are clear and understandable....oh yeah......
CD | Dance - Hardcore
Grrrooowwwlll...Yeah, it's the companion mix to my Soul-icide Sessions 1. A dark mix blending old and new..Better than espresso & almost better than Red Bull................out.
CD | Dance - Hardcore
I don't usually stick with one group on an entire mix, but *ash* got me thinking about these guys, so I dug through my older metal CDs' and put this together. Actually, 2 of these songs came from an LP …
CD | Electronic
This is a mix I did to close out a club night. I did a trance set for about 90 minutes, and the club manager wanted people to settle down and go home, so I played these random tunes. I recorded it all  …
CD | Theme
Another concept mix--this one being the companion mix to my ( Songs In The Key Of Winter ). I want to swim and camp again.......yeah. ( note: Summer Breeze version by Jason Mraz is really good. )
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