
Member Since: 6/5/2003
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 4

righteousmaven's Mixes

righteousmaven's Favorite Mixes

righteousmaven's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Sometimes this just sucks.
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix is a map of my life this past couple of months or so. each song or artist has led me to another song or artist at a sort of frenetic pace, and now that i have dug and discovered all these real …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Its a time of change for me, end of highschool, and with it end of the way things were with friends. I have learned its best not to make any gigantic philosophical statements about life, because ill ju …
CD | Mixed Genre
so lets just say i had this relationship.....with a guy. and he was beautiful, which makes it even more tragic. we called him Jordan Catalano just so he wouldnt know we were talking about him. 2 measly …