
Member Since: 6/13/2003
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 3

girlface's Mixes

girlface's Favorite Mixes

girlface's Mixes

CD | Theme
The lame Christmas mix I made for a friend of mine last year. This year's, if I get around to making one, will be better.
CD | Theme - Romantic
Valentine's Mix '05. I'd almost forgotten I made this.
CD | Theme
Now that she's received it, I can post this one. haha. I wanted it to be a surprise, and I knew if I put it up here she'd see the track listing. Sneaky girl.'s made up entirely of songs by  …
CD | Mixed Genre
For Esther, a.k.a. the nicest girl ever. Lots of randomness and some actual good songs. haha.
CD | Mixed Genre
For one of my oldest internet friends, Doreen. This is one of the most random mixes I think I've ever made. I know she'll love it.
CD | Mixed Genre
For my lovely pal Amee. Just random songs I love. And at least one I knew that she loved too (i.e. the last track).
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my best friend. 16 tracks for our 16 years of friendship. She's turning 21 on Sunday and I can't be there with her to celebrate. This is my pathetic attempt to make up for it.
CD | Theme
This is an extremely personal mix going out to my ex-boyfriend/current best friend. It's got a lot of "I miss you" songs as well as a few "You suck for breaking up with me" songs. It wasn't really inte …
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix made out of pure boredom. it was originally intended to be a kind of chill out mix, but once i added "one eight seven" that idea went out the window. then it was going to be a mix of all the fair …
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