
Member Since: 6/16/2003
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 50

cinnamonlips's Mixes

cinnamonlips's Favorite Mixes

cinnamonlips's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i know the hanson is going to be frowned upon, but oh well. this is my version of a summer mix. late summer going on fall. although it's not quite to that point yet... these songs all make me feel eith …
CD | Theme
this is my opinion of what would be a make-out mix IF i had someone to make out with. it starts out at a moderate pace, speeds up, then slows WAY down at the very end. #13 is where the title's from and …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is kinda a follow up to my previous mix, i'm only hearing negative, no no no - bad. some of the same artists and a continuation of the dilemma. this truly cannot be a healthy relationship. could t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is music that i like because of the lyrics. my ex boyfriend is as confused/confusing as hell and we've broken up and gotten back together twice. and now, i think he thinks he wants to again. and t …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a wierd mix... some of the songs don't really fit. like the sublime one and the white stripes, for instance. and it really doesn't flow, but oh well, it's just something i threw together quickl …
CD | Mixed Genre
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