isky rock

Member Since: 6/20/2003
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 2

isky rock's Mixes

isky rock's Favorite Mixes

isky rock's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a cd put together in august 2001 at a friend's house. it includes a number of remixes, and, for the first time, some songs are mixed through others, which normally I hate doing, but works out nicely on …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
it's amazing how many complete songs can fit on a 90 minute tape. this started out as a 'california'-theme, but somewhere along the line the plot got lost. ah well. this one is for a friend who has bee …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
for my friend barbara. she had a birthday party, that's why. had to put in some german tunes, since she's in germany.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
another one for my friend who went to greece. this one's more fun, I think. well, it is for me. her name's angeliki, so angelene comes close enough, her boyfriend's called daniel. get it? oh, and of co …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yeah, the title sort of gives it away, doesn't it? a friend of mine was moving to greece (good for her) and she needed some good tunes to accompany her on her flight. it needed some sad departure songs …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this tape is four years old now, to the day. I met this girl and fell madly in love with her, but after a short while she had to leave. so I sent her this tape, as a 'reminder'. it turned out to be way …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is the second mix I made for my girlfriend, while I'm far away (and took my record collection with me), so I have to entertain her from a distance. the goal was to put both the roots and the theme …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this one is old. I made this for a friend who has been my major music supplier for years now, without whom I wouldn't even be able to make most of my mixes (I have to admit, some are almost completely  …
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