sarah jane1

Member Since: 6/23/2003
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 12

broken hearts want broken necks

sarah jane1's Mixes

sarah jane1's Favorite Mixes

sarah jane1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix back in june for my summer with patrick. it was a really random mix of what i happened to be listening to at the moment, lots of crazy lovey dancey songs. goodness.
CD | Mixed Genre
so there once was this boy. and he was great. so i made him a mix. a random mixture of songs i love, songs that remind me of him, songs to get him to dance with me and pure sappiness. fun times.
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix was intended to seduce a person i'd never met in person before and was beat out by april nicole's hotness and badly drawn attempt to steal his heart. my mix totally beat hers, she won the boy, …
CD | Mixed Genre
i gave this to a lovely boy on our first date. kind of a random mix with lots of modest mouse, but that's just fine. also, i turned this into a story mix. stop me if you think that you've heard this on …