
Member Since: 5/16/2000
Total Mixes: 78
Total Feedback: 269

paulamoeba's Mixes

paulamoeba's Favorite Mixes

paulamoeba's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
saturday the 13th is almost as unlucky as friday the 13th. so we have a theme, which i don't really stick to.
CD | Pop
songs that were new to me in the past year or kept resurfacing as the year went on. this mix also wants to be traded - let me know.
Cassette | Pop
many of these songs are courtesy of my fellow AOTMers.
Cassette | Pop
The novocaine wore off. My cheek is swelled up. And, damn that hurts. But this mix is taking my mind off it.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Pop
this is mood music for me. something mellow with a hint of sadness.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
my summer driving mix that had a case of multiple personality. sometimes my guilty pleasures take control and it all goes to hell.
CD | Pop
there's more 90's on here than i realized. i guess i'm at a point in life where the past seems so much better than the now, so i keep listening over my shoulder to the older stuff, but i've still got a …
CD | Pop
a reworking of the 2001 mix. produced for a transatlantic trade with jefferson. anyone else for a trade? ?
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