
Member Since: 6/29/2012
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

In 1999, I created my first mix tape, "Michael's Music 1999", at age 12. Since then I've made well over 150 mixtapes, mostly using 90min to 120min audio cassettes, though I occasionally make CD mixes as well. Creating mixes is how I express myself.

Suren's Mixes

Suren's Favorite Mixes

Suren's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
For my 100th cassette, I compiled two favorite songs from each year since I was 8 years old (I'd kept written record of them since age 12, the rest was by memory). As you can probably tell my teenage y …
Cassette | Electronic - Industrial
A meditation on the theme of robots and technology. Most of the songs are in German, because for some reason Germans sing about robots a lot. Cassette -39 in my mix tape series that started in 1999, re …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix of songs that all have to do with dreams, both in the sense of dreams you have when you sleep as well as aspirational dreams. Though eventually, these dreams fade into nightmares. Cassette -24 in …