
Member Since: 8/2/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 21

Bee's Mixes

Bee's Favorite Mixes

Bee's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The quote comes from "Blow." i love it=) There is a lot of country music on this mix for me..i like the blending on the cd...and i'm ashamed of myself for loving the song "My Happy Ending," but there i …
CD | Mixed Genre
The title comes from the movie "Magnolia" don't know why, the line always stuck with me.
CD | Theme
i dunno, seemed like a cute mix to make...don't know how much i'll listen to it. haha
CD | Mixed Genre
This is kinda a mellow mix...tried to blend a little alternative and city music with the country that I strangely like...
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Fun music when you're driving on the highway and hopefully not paying TOO much attention to the speed limit. Cept when road workers are present. They deserve a little break.
CD | Mixed Genre
The title from this cd comes from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." I think it fits cause this cd has very different music on it and i think people should try to listen to EVERYTHING. haha at least …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is sort of random, did best a could to blend it. and the i have no idea...kinda an observation from college
CD | Theme
Well...this started out as a mix that was just going to be about traveling...and somehow it became about being away from someone and wanting to turn around and go home...It turned out extremely mellow. …
CD | Mixed Genre
The title comes from the movie "Cocktail"....okay so i'm a sucker for Tom Cruise. I just love this music cause it's chilling music and sitting around with your friends singing. let me know what you thi …
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