Chris Ingalls

Member Since: 6/9/2000
Total Mixes: 59
Total Feedback: 2

The Comics Curmudgeon

Chris Ingalls's Mixes

Chris Ingalls's Favorite Mixes

Chris Ingalls's Mixes

CD | Pop
11-1-01 Just a compilation of stuff that came out this year that I happen to like.
CD | Pop
Compiled 7-22-00. Another in a series of many mix CDs I made for my girlfriend. The title is the first line of the CD's first song.
Cassette | Pop
How I've managed to hold on to this tape after all these years is totally beyond my comprehension. This is a tape that my brother made sometime in the early/mid-eighties. He made it for himself, but so …
Cassette | Jazz
Compiled May 27/28, 1996, in Naples, Italy.
Cassette | Jazz
Compiled 11-28-94 in Virginia Beach. A lot of these songs made it onto a jazz disc I made a few years later ("My Favorite Things"). Once upon a time I had a Vol. I (entitled "Minor Keys and Tuning Fork …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled July 24 and August 1, 1991, at my brother's house in Port St. Lucie, Florida. I just raided his and his roommate's CD/record collection and came up with this. The title is a line Matthew Brode …
Cassette | Single Artist
Compiled 7-4-98. I had previously made a pretty good EC mix tape that focused more on his Columbia years (1977-1986). After going through some of his later CDs, I realized that Elvis made some pretty t …
Cassette | Pop
In November 1993 I decided to weed out some of my cassette collection, which had been getting out of control (going back about a decade by this point). I donated a heap of them to my friend Jamie, but  …
Cassette | Theme
Okay, first things first...this collection is NOT an accurate description of my current musical tastes. A little over a year ago, my brother, two sisters and I were going to be reuniting after a long a …
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