Chris Ingalls

Member Since: 6/9/2000
Total Mixes: 59
Total Feedback: 2

The Comics Curmudgeon

Chris Ingalls's Mixes

Chris Ingalls's Favorite Mixes

Chris Ingalls's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
Compiled Sept. 2-3 1990, on the island of Diego Garcia. I was stationed there in the Navy from 1988 to 1990. Just before I left the island for good, I made this mix tape specifically for my trip from t …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled 8-16-94 in Virginia Beach. Inspired by a night of drinking with my friend Bob in Ghent, the college section of Norfolk.
Cassette | Single Artist
Compiled 11-25-96
CD | Pop
I made this one on 6-16-00 for my brother, just a bunch of stuff I've been listening to lately. As I write this, he doesn't even know it's been made. It's in the mail as we speak. The title is from a l …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled 2-15-98 in Naples, Italy. Ugh...I hate, hate, hate, HATE the title of this tape. I can usually come up with a decent name for a tape off the top of my head, but for some reason, NOTHING was co …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled early 1998 in Naples, Italy. I was "in between cars" when I made this one, so it has a lot of memories of riding the bus to work and back. A lot of these songs are from CMJ magazine discs and  …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled 2-28-95 in Virginia Beach. The title is the name of a chapter in Victor Hugo's "Hunchback Of Notre Dame."
Cassette | Pop
Compiled March 29-30, 1996, in a hotel room/suite outside of Naples, Italy. My (now ex-)wife and I had just arrived there and I hadn't yet started working - we were there because she was in the militar …
Cassette | Pop
Compiled 10-29-95. At the time, I was living in Virginia Beach with my (now ex-)wife. We experienced a lot of financial problems during our stay there (which is one of the main reasons we ended up divo …
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