DJ Palindrome

Member Since: 6/11/2000
Total Mixes: 114
Total Feedback: 185

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Favorite Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
For Kristin. This is not a road-trip tape, but it reminds me of a moment, a 45-minute moment, on a road trip I wish I could take again. Not my best work. I wish I could have just taped the last four so …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Side A: Intimacy and Committment. Side B: Passion.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Kristin. Paxil makes her sleep too much. Paxil also decreases her sex drive. Paxil sucks. For these reasons, she is trying to stop taking the drug.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For DJ Usurp whose heart is full of holes.
Cassette | Pop
For Kim. She's adjusting to college life, Greek life, life in Missouri, I hope. Maybe this tape will help.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Mixed for Joe. He likes more hip-hop and trashy music than most sane, healthy people. Hopefully, he'll open his mind and enjoy this tape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Mixed to make four days pass quickly for two people.
Cassette | Theme - Break Up
Mixed for Ray who mistakenly believes that the best songs about loneliness and girls breaking the hearts of unsuspecting boys are made by young pop-punk bands from New Jersey. I like this mix because I …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Mixed for Anne in Kentucky. She's a camp counselor, and she wrote that boy bands and Britney blast from the boombox far too often. I like this mix. It has its country, swinging, and rowdy moments. Plus …