DJ Palindrome

Member Since: 6/11/2000
Total Mixes: 114
Total Feedback: 185

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Favorite Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Mixed for my friend Jeff. He plays bass in a band that once opened for Local H (see These songs have cool basslines, are about being in a band, or are just silly. The title is somet …
Cassette | Pop
For Kristin, side A contains songs that reflecting the "good times" of this summer. Side B contains songs that reflect the "bad times" of this summer. Side B's songs are about stupid people becoming mo …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
DJ Palindrome is the artist formerly known as J.D. Marciniak. For months, J.D.M. forgot his DJ name. Originally, he thought he could be known as "DJ JD." That is not creative, but it is a palindrome, s …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
My first CD. This mix was fun to make, and while listening, it's fun to beat the steering wheel or wail along with the songs. Now, it allegedly won't play anymore, but I can't try to figure out why bec …
Cassette | Pop
I made this for my friend Kristin because I miss her, and I don't have a job yet. Without sounding too sappy, I am delighted that she has become one of my best friends over the past few months. Many of …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the first mix tape I have made for one of my friends. I tried to load it with songs I know he'd like: "She's Gonna Break Your Heart," "Bad Idea," "8," and "Chopsticks." Also, I selected songs t …
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