mister waffles

Member Since: 12/2/2003
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 2

a cool blog/message board thing http://www.insertlabel.net

mister waffles's Mixes

mister waffles's Favorite Mixes

mister waffles's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I made this for a fellow poster on InsertLabel.net's message boards. We did a mix exchange thing. Good times.
CD | Mixed Genre
This was for a friend. The secret to this CD is to record it "track as once" so there are no gaps between songs, the transitions are as seemless as I have ever gotten a CD to be. Any comments would roc …
CD | Mixed Genre
I put a hidden track at the end of Homestar Runner singing the secret song from the "strong bad sings" cd
CD | Mixed Genre
the CD starts and ends with soundbites from the movie Big Trouble in Little China. it starts off with Kurt Russell hitting on Kim Cattral and ends with him saying he's not going to kiss her goodbye. I  …
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
one i made for a road trip for my girlfriend and i
CD | Mixed Genre
a gift to an ex girlfriend.
CD | Mixed Genre
this is pretty much my best "girl" cd to date... tell me what you think