ray bridges1

Member Since: 7/11/2000
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 4

ray bridges1's Mixes

ray bridges1's Favorite Mixes

ray bridges1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
was trying to come up something that flowed with manic energy that changes while i talk to the friend i made this tape for.
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
the idea is this is an ideal tape too listen too for going too and comming back from a rave cause the first side has songs that have strong beats that get ya going and the second side is really mellow  …
Cassette | Single Artist
a tape i made for a newer friend of mine that i shocked me with the fact the she actualy knows and likes modest mouse but has only heard the lonesome crowded west so i put this together for her. side a …
Cassette | Theme
trainspotting by primal scream is abrubtly horribly cut off kinda taking away from the drag effect that side a has but side a has songs that are perfect for sunday day with songs that are long, relaxed …