Bryan Sunshine

Member Since: 12/18/2003
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 13

Bryan Sunshine's Mixes

Bryan Sunshine's Favorite Mixes

Bryan Sunshine's Mixes

CD | Theme
I have been compiling the songs for this mix for almost a year. I finally sat down to make it and it came out all wrong (sequencing makes a HUGE difference). Then last night, after a month of ignoring  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for a car ride (it's 79 minutes exactly) and I was surprised at how well it held together.
CD | Mixed Genre
I took this apart and re-assembled it at least four times. I was going for Flow, and I think I finally got it. This was made for a friend of mine named Katie. The title comes from the line in the Liz P …
CD | Mixed Genre
On paper this looks strange, but somehow it works