Annie C

Member Since: 12/25/2003
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 0

Annie C's Mixes

Annie C's Favorite Mixes

Annie C's Mixes

CD | Country
I know there's some repetition in artists, but this is basically the music i'm enjoying right now. It's funny, I was born in Nashville, TN and it's just now that i've started listening to the country m …
CD | Theme
one day i was really really excited about going to the museum of natural history. So excited that i felt that this event should really have a soundtrack. All of these songs have nature or science theme …
CD | Mixed Genre
For some reason this music encapsulates summer for me
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix i threw together for my girlfriend. I was trying to make it sweet yet not cheezy. I hope it turned out alright
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I tried to stay as travel themed as possible when i made this mix. I dont know, i like it
CD | Mixed Genre
I know i committed a heinous sin by following Le Tigre with Britney, but i just had to do it.