Doc T

Member Since: 1/25/2004
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 7

Doc T's Mixes

Doc T's Favorite Mixes

Doc T's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
The ideal soundtrack to an indie (read: cheap and amateurist) film a few friends and I are planning to make, about three friend's last weeks together before going their seperate ways to, respectively,  …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
This one goes out to all my hobo-homies.
CD | Mixed Genre
Well, I was going to broke if I didn't. And so: 1) 'I don't need you, I want you'. Sure... 2) Hmm...perhap? 3) Best get out while I'm alive. 4) Promises, promises.. 5) Time for my 10,000th 'last one'.  …
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
It's the revenge of the sampled, here are the sampled tracks in all their glory, with the Beasties track on the right. Mostly from Paul's Boutique of course, but track them down and enjoy- particularly …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another soundtrack to a script I just finished- another black comedy, this one about the fading of the hollywood dream for 4 English dreamers; an extremely bitter scripter turned cameraman, a brittle a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Whenevr I feel down, I play this mix. The strategy is the first side makes me feel as melancholy as possible, but then counters it with side two, made up of uplifting or just pant-pissingly funny tunes …
CD | Mixed Genre
Here's the mix i usually have as backdrop while writing- you wouldn't believe how much writing to a good beat can help.
CD | Mixed Genre
A soundtrack i cooked up for a film i wrote callled 'The Necessary Evils'- a black comedy about amateur drug dealers on a campus, more like Kevin Smith than like Animal House. anyhoo, here's the mix.