Miss Alexandra

Member Since: 2/4/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 3

Miss Alexandra's Mixes

Miss Alexandra's Favorite Mixes

Miss Alexandra's Mixes

CD | Theme
i made fancy packaging for my friends. i could send out a few hard copies if anyone's interested. consider it my christmas gift to you!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a gift for my dear friend melissa. my first try and cassette tape mixes. the transitions are almost flawless, imo. download it for yourself!
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A mix I made for my love. A lot of time was spent making sure everything transitioned cleanly. I was happy how varied everything is and how well it all works together :).
CD | Mixed Genre
the title is a play off of that little wings song. it's a very ecclectic mix, but i think it all flows well together.... it's sort of my summer soundtrack at this point... at least one of them <3.
CD | Mixed Genre
one of my favourite mix's i've made so far. so far being the key word :o).