The Wind Up Bird Key

Member Since: 2/8/2004
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 10

The Wind Up Bird Key's Mixes

The Wind Up Bird Key's Favorite Mixes

The Wind Up Bird Key's Mixes

CD | Theme - Road Trip
For for June/July 2004
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My portion of a mix trade. I'm supposed to make six copies and I'm rather excited! I'm very pleased with this, the track listing went through maybe three edits. I spent a lot of time on it, and am very …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mixtrade with my friend Kat. It's a real hodge-podge batch here. Some of this is to educate, some of it is just a bunch of songs I know she likes. Transitions weren't thought over too heavily, but I st …
CD | Mixed Genre
Submission for Mixies for April/May. The soundtrack to my past and future crushes. Although I do like how this one came out, there's several songs that are missing that ought to be on here. However, I  …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for a trade with a friend. This was fun, I hope I get to do it more often. I'm very pleased with this, I think this has very good transitions.
CD | Mixed Genre
It's sad, but sometimes things just can't go on the way they were.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my friend's birthday. I'm not really sure of what they like anymore, so most of this is pretty ambiant, chill or sleep music. There is also little to no English invovled. It was unintentional …
CD | Mixed Genre
An Unbirthday mix I made for, to put it simply, my boyfriend. He likes his music served to chill. *=Intended, but would not fit on the disc. I'm fairly sure I consider that Crosby, Stills, and Nash son …