
Member Since: 2/9/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 1

realBJ's Mixes

realBJ's Favorite Mixes

realBJ's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Sleep
I mixed this for going to sleep.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The first side is full of Hip-Hop, starts with some Older-Tracks. The middle has some DJ Premier-beats and the end is funky. The second side consists of some Indie and Rock 'n Roll, before it finishes  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
On side A are the best singles of 2003. On side B are those singles that I forgot to include and a few Album-only Tracks. On side B are 2 cover-versions. Track 7 is a cover from Kate Bush and Track 8 i …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I thought of making a mix around the Mos Defs Rock n Roll, which is a pretty cool song. The second side is a mix of some very enjoyable Rap or Rock Tracks.