
Member Since: 8/15/2000
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 28

Em's Mixes

Em's Favorite Mixes

Em's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
created 29 October 2000. This is a mix that my friend Libbie (who lives in Montana) and I (now a Wisconsin-dweller) created. Each summer I go to visit her and we spend a month together, having an absol …
Cassette | Dance - House
created 23 October 2000. This one was really more my 13 year old sister's doing (she made it for a friend's b day) but she used lots of my CDs and I made the cover/liner art. I feel kind of funny about …
Cassette | Theme
created 23 September 2000. My friend Christena told me earlier this week that she had a dream wherein I made her a mix tape, so I decided to make that dream come true. (Ha, not often we can say that ab …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
created 22 September 2000. A hastily thrown-together birthday present for my friend Kendra, who turned sixteen yesterday. It began we me trying to think of birthday/age-related songs, and then quickly  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
created 17 September 2000. I made this as part of a mix exchange with a girl I know from school. No criteria, so it was kind of difficult...I usually work better with a theme, no matter how vague. I li …
Cassette | Single Artist
created...hmm, I forgot the date. Sometime in late August (2000). My Beatles-loving friend Anne and I created this tape for a mix buddy of mine who had never heard the Beatles. (We were appalled and de …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
created 5 September 2000. I made this one for my friend Anne, one of my few remaining friends who is an Emily-mix-tape-virgin. It is multithemed: sad and/or angry songs to help her get over being scorn …
Cassette | Theme
I've had a mixtape dryspell for a couple of weeks and I had been wanting to make a Clash tape of some sort for a while (in anticipation of when I get my license - I think The Clash is perfect road musi …
Cassette | Single Artist
Created by my good friend Anne (also a complete BFF junkie) and me for another friend who we felt could not live without Ben et. al. in her life. We had a lot of fun making this, even though I freaked  …
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